Don Newton

Real Name and aliases:






    Added by: BecomixOfficial. Last edit by: BecomixOfficial.


    Artistic production

    Comic Title Role Publisher Year Language
    Tales of the Batman. Don Newton. Vol. 1 Author Titan 2011 English
    Deadshot. Beginnings Author Dc Comics 2013 English
    Don Newton's complete Phantom Author Hermes 2018 English
    Shazam! : a celebration of 75 years Author Dc Comics 2015 English
    Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps Volume 2: 168,169,171,172,173,177,179,180,181,182,183,185,187,188,189,190, TotGLC Annual #1 Illustrator Dc Comics 0 English
    Claws Across The Water #204 Illustrator Marvel Comics 1981 English
    Batwoman: Das Klagelied der Fledermaus Illustrator Eaglemoss France 0 German
    Batman: Eine zweite Chance Teil 1 Illustrator Eaglemoss France 0 German
    Batman: Ein Tod in der Familie Illustrator Eaglemoss France 0 German
    Whom Gods Would Destroy! #254 Illustrator Dc Comics 1979 English
    Thou Shalt Have No Other Batman Before Me! #255 Illustrator Dc Comics 1979 English
    The Third Face is...Death! #253 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    Passion Play! #4 Illustrator DC Comics, Inc 1984 English
    "And the Town Came Tumbling Down!" #28 Illustrator Dc Comics 1977 English
    "The Man Who Melted Manhattan!" #13 Illustrator Dc Comics 1977 English
    The Perfect Fighting Machine #480 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    "A Nightmare to Remember!" #460 Illustrator Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    "The Multiple Murders of Mapleville" #461 Illustrator Dc Comics 1979 English
    "The Crimson Comets of Fallville High #459 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    "Scavenger, Ravager, Plunderer, Thief!" #60 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    "The Armageddon Conspiracy" #61 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    "And the Walls Came Tumblin' Down" #62 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    "My Brother's Keeper" #63 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English
    A Martian Odyssey #1 Cover Artist Magazine Management Co., Inc. 0 English
    "Backward, Turn Backward, O Time in Your Flight" #35 Illustrator Dc Comics 1978 English