Sterling Gates

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    Sterling Gates (born March 1, 1981 in Tulsa, Oklahoma) is an American comic book and television writer. In 2006, while attending WonderCon in San Francisco, Gates became acquainted with the comic book writer Geoff Johns. Upon learning that Gates just recently moved to Los Angeles and had aspirations to work in television and film, Johns recommended him for an interview with the writing staff of Blade: The Series, where he was eventually hired as a production assistant. After the series was cancelled, Johns offered Gates the position of his personal assistant, which Gates would later compare to a "writing apprenticeship". Despite planning to be a television writer, he created a few short scripts inspired by then-upcoming Green Lantern storyline "Sinestro Corps War" and gave them to Johns, who in turn passed them on to the editor Eddie Berganza. Soon after, Gates made his debut as a comic book writer with a back-up story in Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime, illustrated by veteran artist Jerry Ordway. After writing a few more short stories centered around the Green Lantern mythos, Gates followed Johns to the Superman family of books, taking over the Supergirl title. Gates' run on the series began as a tie-in to the inter-title crossover storyline "New Krypton", spearheaded by Johns (as the writer of Action Comics) and James Robinson (as the writer of the Superman ongoing title). When Johns stepped away from Action Comics and "New Krypton" to focus on other projects, Gates joined Robinson to co-write two limited series that would act as the culmination of the crossover storyline: Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton and Superman: War of the Supermen. Gates' run on Supergirl ended shortly thereafter. In 2010, after DC Comics offered the artist Rob Liefeld to draw a new volume of the Hawk and Dove series with a writer of his choice, Liefeld hand-picked Gates due to his work on Supergirl and War of the Supermen. The title, which was supposed to follow up on the plot threads from the "Brightest Day" crossover storyline, became a part of "The New 52" company-wide relaunch instead. Gates left the series after five issues while Liefeld took over both writing and drawing duties for the remainder of the run. Other projects of the period include a Kid Flash-centered tie-in to the "Flashpoint" crossover storyline and a Captain Victory series for Dynamite created as part of the "Kirby: Genesis" initiative. In 2012, Gates was asked to help in developing a film script by Matthew Price, his former employer and owner of Speeding Bullet Comics. The result, a coming-of-age story described as a "superhero movie by way of John Hughes", premiered on the festival circuit two years later under the title The Posthuman Project. In 2013, Geoff Johns offered Gates to take over the writing duties of the recently-launched ongoing series Justice League of America's Vibe as both Johns and his co-writer Andrew Kreisberg had to leave the title due to their increased workloads. In addition to Vibe, Gates ventured into the larger DC Universe with a number of one-off issues and a mini-series tying into the company-wide crossover storyline "Forever Evil". In 2016, returned to the character of Supergirl with a digital-first series set in the world of the eponymous television series. Soon after, Gates was contacted by Andrew Kreisberg, one of the executive producers of the television series, who offered to write an episode for the show. In 2017, Gates joined the writers room of another Kreisberg-produced superhero series The Flash, before becoming the story editor for the show's fifth season and executive story editor for seasons six onwards. In addition to his work on live action series, Gates has also contributed scripts to the animated series Super Dinosaur and Spider-Man.

    Artistic production

    Comic Title Role Publisher Year Language
    Supergirl. Bizarrogirl 2 Author Dc Comics 2016 English
    Supergirl : who is Superwoman? Author Dc Comics 2016 English
    Supergirl : friends & fugitives 2 Author Dc Comics 2016 English
    Captain Victory Author Diamond 2013 English
    Who is Superwoman? Author Titan 2009 English
    Adventures of Supergirl Author Dc Comics 2016 English
    World's finest 3 Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    Superman. War of the Supermen Author Dc Comics 2011 English
    First strikes Author Titan 2012 English
    Supergirl : friends & fugitives Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    Blackest night. Tales of the corps 2 Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    War of the supermen Author Titan 2012 English
    Codename - Patriot 2 Author Titan 2011 English
    Superman : Codename : Patriot Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    Superman. Last stand of New Krypton Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    Forever evil : A.R.G.U.S Author Dc Comics 2014 English
    Justice League. Cry for Justice Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    Supergirl. Bizarrogirl Author Dc Comics 2011 English
    Superman. New Krypton. Volume one Author Dc Comics 2009 English
    Justice League of America's Vibe. Volume 1. Breach Author Dc Comics 2014 English
    Superman. New Krypton. Volume two Author Dc Comics 2009 English
    Death & the family Author Dc Comics 2010 English
    Last stand of New Krypton. Volume 2 Author DC Comics 2012 English
    New Krypton Volume One Writer Dc Comics 0 English
    Green Lantern Corps: Revolt Of The Alpha-Lanterns: 21,22,48-52 Writer Dc Comics 0 English
    Supergirl: Der Tod und die Familie Author Eaglemoss France 0 German
    The Guardians Of The Universe et al. #1 Writer Dc Comics 2008 English
    Cage's Crossroads #5 Writer Dc Comics 2012 English
    The Interrogation #4 Writer Dc Comics 2012 English
    Killer Frost In Freezing To Death: 7.2 Writer Dc Comics 2013 English
    He Primed Me Part Two The Flame War #508 Writer Dc Comics 2010 Unspecified
    Superman: Last Stand Of New Krypton:The Epilogue Is The Future #514 Writer Dc Comics 2010 English
    Bizarrogirl: 53-59, Annual 2 Writer Dc Comics 0 English
    Supergirl: Death & The Family Writer DC Comics 2010 English
    "Last Stand of New Krypton, Part Two: Leaders" #51 Writer Dc Comics 2010 English
    Breach: 1-10 Writer Dc Comics 0 English