John Difool

Real Name:

Other aliases:


Moebius, Alejandro Jodorowsky Prullansky

First appearance:

Added by: Shiwømihz. Last edit by: Shiwømihz.


A Class R licensed private investigator and occasional bodyguard. DiFool is reluctant to assume the role of hero, and suffers mood swings, self-doubt, and temper tantrums. He has a fondness for cigars, "ouisky", and "homeosluts" (gynoid prostitutes). He is an everyman character, both unusually damning and praising of the human condition, kindly, sacrificing and selfish, likely to run away. His story is presented in "Before the Incal": he is the son of a prostitute, and started as a PI while investigating on the children of the red ring prostitutes.