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Mike Baron (Writer), Bill Reinhold (Illustrator), Janice Chiang (Letterer), Gregory Wright (Colorist), Carl Potts (Editor), Tom DeFalco (Editor), Bill Reinhold (Cover Artist), Roger Salick (Writer), Tod Smith (Illustrator), John Beatty (Inker), Ken Bruzenak (Letterer), Jim Lee (Illustrator), Scott Williams (Inker), Ken Lopez (Letterer), Peter Sanderson (Writer), Mark Bagley (Illustrator), Jade Moede (Letterer), Mark Gruenwald (Editor)
The Punisher, Microchip, Moonknight, Frenchie, Viper, Harvey Moy, James Metzger, Leroy "Tiger" Tibbs, The Watcher, Conan of Cimmeria, Conn, Thoth-Amon, Serpent Men, Seth, Set, Grog, Duke Villagro, King Ferdrugo
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