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Scott Snyder (Writer), Grant Morrison (Writer), James Tynion IV (Writer), Joshua Williamson (Writer), Greg Capullo (Illustrator), Andy Kubert (Illustrator), Jim Lee (Illustrator), Doug Mahnke (Illustrator), Howard Porter (Illustrator), John Romita Jr. (Illustrator), Jonathan Glapion (Inker), Klaus Janson (Inker), Doug Mahnke (Inker), Jaime Mendoza (Inker), Danny Miki (Inker), Howard Porter (Inker), Scott Williams (Inker), Ralph Kruhm (translator)
May 2019
The title is preceded by the text "dargaud apresenta".
Original title: L'Homme à l'étoile d'argent
© Dargaud Editeur Paris,1969
Depósito Legal: 55 094/92
All rights reserved for Portugal by MERIBÉRICA/LIBER, Editores, Lda.
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump