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Geoff Johns (Writer), Peter J. Tomasi (Writer), Ivan Reis (Illustrator), Patrick Gleason (Illustrator), Fernando Pasarin (Illustrator), Ardian Syaf (Illustrator), Scott Clark (Illustrator), Joe Prado (Illustrator), Christian Alamy (Inker), David Beaty (Inker), Vicente Cifuentes (Inker), Tom Nguyen (Inker), Cam Smith (Inker), Art Thibert (Inker), Oclair Albert (Inker), Rebecca Buchman (Inker), John Dell (Inker), Mark Irwin (Inker), Prentis Rollins (Inker), Dexter Vines (Inker), Mark Bagley (Illustrator), Fabrizio Fiorentino (Illustrator), Andy Kubert (Illustrator), Francis Manapul (Illustrator), Matt Ryan (Illustrator), José Edilbenes Bezerra (Illustrator), Rob Hunter (Illustrator), Aaron Lopresti (Illustrator), Mike Mayhew (Illustrator), Peter Steigerwald (Colorist), Rob Clark Jr. (Letterer), Nick J. Napolitano (Letterer), David Finch (Cover Artist), Scott Williams (Cover Artist), Peter Steigerwald (Cover Artist), Eddie Berganza (Editor), Adam Schlagman (Editor), Rex Ogle (Editor), Sean Mackiewicz (Editor), Robbin Brosterman (Editor), Diane Nelson (Editor), Geoff Johns (Editor)
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