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Geoff Johns (Writer), Peter J. Tomasi (Writer), Ivan Reis (Illustrator), Ardian Syaf (Illustrator), Scott Clark (Illustrator), Joe Prado (Illustrator), Patrick Gleason (Illustrator), Vicente Cifuentes (Inker), David Beaty (Inker), Oclair Albert (Inker), Rob Hunter (Inker), Julio Ferreira (Inker), Norm Rapmund (Inker), Marlo Alquiza (Inker), Andy Owens (Inker), Tom Nguyen (Inker), Mick Gray (Inker), Mark Irwin (Inker), Keith Champagne (Inker), Christian Alamy (Inker), Peter Steigerwald (Colorist), Beth Sotelo (Colorist), Nathan Eyring (Colorist), Rod Reis (Colorist), Rob Clark Jr. (Letterer), Ivan Reis (Cover Artist), Chuck Pires (Cover Artist), Adam Schlagman (Editor), Rex Ogle (Editor), Robbin Brosterman (Editor), Curtis King Jr. (Editor), Bob Harras (Editor), Diane Nelson (Editor), Geoff Johns (Editor)
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