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Geoff Johns (Author), Peter Tomasi (Author), Ivan Reis (Illustrator), Patrick Gleason (Illustrator), Joe Prado (Illustrator), Ardian Syaf (Illustrator), Scott Clark (Illustrator), Oclair Albert (Illustrator), Rob Hunter (Illustrator), Norm Rapmund (Inker), Vicente Cifuentes (Inker), Oclair Albert (Inker), Tom Nguyen (Inker), Mick Gray (Inker), Mark Irwin (Inker), David "Dave" M. Beaty (Inker), Christian Alamy (Inker), Júlio Ferreria (Inker), Marlo Alquiza (Inker), Andy Owens (Inker), Ivan Reis (Inker), Ardian Syaf (Inker), Joe Prado (Inker), Rebecca Buchman (Inker), Keith Champagne (Inker), Sandra Hope (Inker), Patrick Gleason (Inker), Aspen Studios (Colorist), Peter Steigerwald (Colorist), Nathan Eyring (Colorist), Beth Sotelo (Colorist), Brian Buccellato (Colorist), John Starr (Colorist), Ray Dillon (Colorist)
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