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G. Willow Wilson (Writer), Elmo Bondoc (Illustrator), Takeshi Miyazawa (Illustrator), Ian Herring (Colorist), Joe Caramagna (Letterer), Kris Anka (Cover Artist), Marguerite Sauvage (Cover Artist), Jake Wyatt (Cover Artist), Charles Beacham (Editor), Devin Lewis (Editor), Sana Amanat (Editor), Nick Lowe (Editor), Mark Waid (Writer), Humberto Ramos (Illustrator), Victor Olazaba (Inker), Edgar Delgado (Colorist), Julian Totino Tedesco (Cover Artist), Jon Moisan (Editor), Tom Brevoort (Editor), Ellie Pyle (Editor), Sarah Brunstad (Editor), Alex Starbuck (Editor), Mark D. Beazley (Editor), Jeff Youngquist (Editor), Axel Alonso (Editor), Joe Quesada (Editor), Alan Fine (Editor)
Copyright 1960 by Casterman
Impresso na Bélgica para Verbo Publicações Periódicas
Depósito Legal n.º 59716/92
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump