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Jay Faerber (Writer), Jamal Igle (Illustrator), Rich Perrotta (Inker), Liquid! (Colorist), Saida Temofonte (Letterer), Bobbie Chase (Editor), Bob Harras (Editor)
December 2000
Iron Fist , Wolverine, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Junzo Muto, Hiromitsu, Iron Man, Rumiko Fujikawa, Wasp - , The Vision, Warbird , Goliath, Triathlon , Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, The Human Torch, Captain America, Yu-Ti, Dragon Kings, Sunfire , Psylocke
This edition has the volumes 1&2 of the 'Lanfeust des étoiles' are listed on back cover
First edition : 1998
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump