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Charles Moore (Editor), Joe Pruett (Editor), Charles Moore (Writer), Randy Green (Illustrator), Craig Gilmore (Illustrator), James Pruett (Writer), Nathan Massengill (Illustrator), Ann Goetz (Writer), Chris Hunter (Illustrator), Barry Stephenson (Inker), Frank Turner (Inker), Chris Hunter (Inker), Joe Pruett (Writer), Mike Wieringo (Cover Artist), Craig Gilmore (Cover Artist), Andrew Barlow (Cover Artist), Guy Burwell (Illustrator), Tim Bradstreet (Illustrator), Bob Burden (Writer), Bob Burden (Illustrator), Brian Bolland (Writer), Brian Bolland (Illustrator), Phillip Hester (Writer), Phillip Hester (Illustrator), Andrew Robinson (Cover Artist), James Pruett (Editor), Shinn Uehara (Editor), Shinn Uehara (Editor), Roxanne Starr (Letterer)
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