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Scott Snyder (Writer), James Tynion IV (Writer), James Tynion IV (Writer), Daniel Sampere (Illustrator), Juan Albarran (Inker), Adriano Lucas (Colorist), Tom Napolitano (Letterer), Yanick Paquette (Cover Artist), Nathan, Fairbairn (Cover Artist), Andrew Marino (Editor), Marie Javins (Editor), Jerry Siegel (Author), Joe Shuster (Author)
March 2019
7 61941 36028 7 00111
$15.99 US $17.99 CAN
Contains material originally published in magazine form as Deadpool #36-39 and Deadpool (1997) #4
First printing 2011
Printed in the U.S.A.
Manufactured between 8/15/2011 and 9/12/2011 (hardcover), and 8/15/2011 and 3/12/2012 (softcover), by R.R. Donnelley, Inc., Salem, VA, USA
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump