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Dan Slott (Writer), Ryan Stegman (Illustrator), Giuseppe Camuncoli (Illustrator), Ryan Stegman (Inker), John Dell (Inker), Edgar Delgado (Colorist), Chris Yost (Writer), Paco Medina (Illustrator), Dommo Aymara (Colorist), Juan Vlasco (Inker), Dave Curiel (Colorist), Brian Reed (Writer), Lee Garrettt (Illustrator), John Lucas (Inker), Antonio Fabela (Colorist), Sophie Watine-Viévard (translator), Laurence Hingray (Letterer), Christophe Semal (Letterer), Marvel (Editor)
August 2013
Wydawnictwo "Sport i Turystyka" Warszawa
RSW "Prasa-Książka-Ruch"
Warszawa, al. Jerozolimskie 125
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump