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Ann Nocenti (Writer), Sholly Fisch (Writer), John Layman (Writer), Patrick Olliffe (Illustrator), Tom Nguyen (Illustrator), Aaron Lopresti (Illustrator), Cliff Richards (Illustrator), Art Thibert (Illustrator), Walden Wong (Illustrator), Keith Champagne (Illustrator), John Livesay (Illustrator), Sonia Oback (Colorist), Travis Lanham (Letterer), Taylor Esposito (Letterer), Terry Dodson (Cover Artist), Rachel Dodson (Cover Artist), Bob Kane (Author), Rachel Gluckstern (Editor), Darren Shan (Editor), Matt Humphreys (Editor), Liz Erickson (Editor), Robbin Brosterman (Editor), Robbie Biederman (Editor), Bob Harras (Editor)
October 2014
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