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Patrick Gleason (Illustrator), Andy Kubert (Illustrator), Juan Jose Ryp (Illustrator), Ian Bertram (Illustrator), Mick Gray (Inker), Jonathan Glapion (Inker), Andy Kubert (Inker), Juan Jose Ryp (Inker), Jordi Tarragona (Inker), Juan Albarran (Inker), John Kalisz (Colorist), Brad Anderson (Colorist), Sonia Oback (Colorist), Dave Stewart (Colorist), Carlos M. Mangual (Letterer), Dezi Sienty (Letterer), Tom Napolitano (Letterer), Steve Wands aka: "Swands" (Letterer), Patrick Gleason (Cover Artist), Mick Gray (Cover Artist), John Kalisz (Cover Artist), Bob Kane (Author), Jerry Siegel (Author), Joe Shuster (Author), Rachel Gluckstern (Editor), Dave Wielgosz (Editor), Matt Humphreys (Editor), Steve Cook (Editor), Damian Ryland (Editor), Bob Harras (Editor)
April 2016
9 781401 261146 51999
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump