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Alexander Maleev (Author), Todd McFarlane (Author), Richard Starkings (Author), Alberto Ponticelli (Author), Brian Michael Bendis (Author), Jonathan Glapion (Author), Clayton Crain (Author), Angel Medina (Author), Jay Fotos (Author), Jamie Tolagson (Author), Paul Lee (Author), Drew Hutchinson (Author), Todd Broeker (Author)
'Originally published in single magazine form as Sam and Twitch issues 1-13'--Bk. 1,, t.p. verso ; 'Originally published in single magazine form as Sam and Twitch issues 14-26'--Bk. 2,, t.p. verso ; Contributors vary. volume 2 / story,, Brian Michael Bendis,, Todd McFarlane ; pencils,, Clayton Crain ; inks,, Jonathan Glapion ; art,, Alex Maleev,, Paul Lee
Release imported from British library - public domain license