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Kyle Higgins (Writer), Tim Seeley (Writer), Tom King (Writer), Will Conrad (Illustrator), Cliff Richards (Illustrator), Russell Dauterman (Illustrator), Jason Masters (Illustrator), Daniel Sampere (Illustrator), Vicente Cifuentes (Illustrator), Javier Garron (Illustrator), Jorge Lucas (Illustrator), Mikel Janin (Illustrator), Guillermo Ortego (Illustrator), Pete Pantazis (Colorist), Chris Sotomayor (Colorist), Carlos M. Mangual (Letterer), Dave Sharpe (Letterer), Dezi Sienty (Letterer), Eddy Barrows (Cover Artist), Eber Ferreira (Cover Artist), Marcelo Maiolo (Cover Artist), Marv Wolfman (Author), George Pérez (Author), Bob Kane (Author), Rachel Gluckstern (Editor), Katie Kubert (Editor), Darren Shan (Editor), Matt Humphreys (Editor), Liz Erickson (Editor), Robbin Brosterman (Editor), Robbie Biederman (Editor), Bob Harras (Editor), Diane Nelson (Editor), Geoff Johns (Editor)
9 781401 250119 51699
$5.99 US
Rated T Teen
Printed by Transcontinental Interglobe, Beauceville, QC, Canada. 7/29/11
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump