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Mike W. Barr (Author), Peter David (Author), Michael Jan Friedman (Author), Howard Weinstein (Author)
'Originally published by DC Comics as Star Trek annual 1988,, Star Trek issues #13-15 and Star Trek issue #19'--Vol. 1,, t.p. verso ; 'Originally published by DC Comics as Star Trek issues #7-12'--Vol. 5,, t.p. verso ; 'Originally published by DC Comics as Star Trek: new frontiers issues #9-16'--Vol. 6,, t.p. verso ; 'Originally published by DC Comics as Star Trek: the next generation issues #47-50,, and by Marvel Comics as Star Trek: operation assimilation #1'--Vol. 2,, t.p. verso ; 'Originally published by DC Comics as Star Trek: the peacekeeper issues #49-50,, Star Trek: convergence issue #6,, Star Trek: the next generation convergence issue #6'--Vol. 3,, t.p. verso ; 'Originally published by Malibu Comics as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine issues #1-5'--Vol. 4,, t.p. verso
Release imported from British library - public domain license