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Jon Bogdanove (Author), Louise Simonson (Author), Karl Kesel (Author), Dan Jurgens (Author), Roger Stern (Author), Jackson Guice (Author), Jerry Ordway (Author), Tom Grummett (Author)
March 2013
ISBN-10 : 1401238645 ISBN-13 : 978-1401238643
'Originally published in single magazine form in Superman: The Man of Steel #17-26,, Superman #73-82,, The Adventures of Superman #496-505,, Superman The Legacy of Superman #1,, Action Comics #683-692,, Green Lantern #46,, and Justice League of America #69'--Indicia ; 'Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.'
Release imported from British library - public domain license
The historic story of the death and return of Superman is collected in one massive hardcover volume featuring an all-new cover by pivotal creator Dan Jurgens, timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the event! The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus includes the best-selling trade paperbacks The Death of Superman and The Return of Superman, as well as portions of
World Without Superman, plus 40 pages of bonus extras including promotional material and product spotlight.