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Peter David (Writer), Francesco Manna (Illustrator), Espen Grundetjern (Colorist), Cory Petit (Letterer), Greg Land (Cover Artist), Frank D'Armata (Cover Artist), Shannon Andrews (Editor), Alanna Smith (Editor), Tom Brevoort (Editor), C. B. Cebulski (Editor), Joe Quesada (Editor), Dan Buckley (Editor), Alan Fine (Editor), Stan Lee (Author), Jack Kirby (Author)
September 2019
7 59606 09442 4 00121
Subtitle: The Butcher's Block
"Countdown" ran for 5 issues across 3 titles counting down from 4 to 0. TItles included: The Punisher, The Punisher: War Journal, and The Punisher: Warzone.
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump