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J.H. Williams III (Author), W. Haden Blackman (Author), Trevor McCarthy (Illustrator), Francesco Francavilla (Illustrator), Walden Wong (Author), Sandu Florea (Author), Derek Fridolfs (Author), Guy Major (Colorist), Todd Klein (Letterer), J.H. Williams III (Cover Artist), Michael "Mike" Marts (Editor), Darren Shan (Editor), Rowena Yow (Editor), Robin Brosterman (Editor)
Batwoman, Flamebird, Batman, Bane, Black Mask, The Mortician, Fright, Professor Pyg, Poison Ivy, The Penguin, The Riddler, The Mad Hatter, The Tweedles, Nightwing, Batgirl, Katana
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump