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James Robinson (Writer), Tony Bedard (Writer), Eddy Barrows (Illustrator), Marcos Marz (Illustrator), Júlio Ferreria (Inker), Eber Ferreira (Inker), Luciana Del Negro (Inker), Rod Reis (Colorist), John J. Hill (Letterer), Eddy Barrows (Cover Artist), Nei Ruffino (Cover Artist), Rex Ogle (Editor), Adam Schlagman (Editor), Brian Cunningham (Editor), Eddie Berganza (Editor)
March 2010
Wildcat, Wildcat, Mister Terrific , Power Girl, Judomaster , hourman, Green Lantern, Flash, Doctor Fate, Mister America , Stargirl, Magog, Liberty Belle, Doctor Mid-Nite , Cyclone, Citizen Steel , Atom-Smasher