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Marvel (Editor), Dan Slott (Writer), Nick Bradshaw (Illustrator), Humberto Ramos (Illustrator), Victor Olazaba (Illustrator), Giuseppe Camuncoli (Illustrator), Cam Smith (Illustrator), Stuart Immonen (Illustrator), Wade von Grawbadger (Illustrator), Marcos Martín (Illustrator), Edgar Delgado (Colorist), Java Tartaglia (Colorist), Marte Gracia (Colorist), Muntsa Vicente (Colorist), Sophie Watine-Viévard (translator), Laurence Hingray (Letterer), Christophe Semal (Letterer), Brian Michael Bendis (Writer), Oscar Bazaldua (Illustrator), Sara Pichelli (Illustrator), Brian Reber (Colorist), Laura Martin (Colorist), Matt Milla (Colorist), Peter Pantazis (Colorist), Justin Ponsor (Colorist)
January 2019
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump