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Flint Dille (Writer), David Marconi (Writer), Dan Spiegle (Illustrator), Jeffrey Butler (Cover Artist)
September 1988
Although stated as being their past, the Fantastic Four have actually visited the alternate reality of Earth-49487. It was indexed in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #3. Analogous with the early days of Earth-616 history, the placement of this story can be attributed as happening prior to Fantastic Four #22 and Avengers #3. This can be ascertained by the following facts:
The Avengers featured here do not have the Hulk (who quit in Avengers #2) or Captain America (who joined in Avengers #4) among their ranks. Since Henry Pym is Giant-Man and Iron Man is still wearing his original armor this places these events before Avengers #3.
The Invisible Girl cannot create invisible force fields in this story, as skill that Sue didn't master until Fantastic Four #22.
This comic features a tribute to Jack Kirby, who died on February 6, 1994.
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