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Art Wetherell (Cover Artist), Euan Peters (Editor), Chris Matthews (Editor), Bob Budiansky (Writer), José Delbo (Illustrator), Dave Hunt (Inker), Manny Manos (Letterer), Nel Yomtov (Colorist), Simon Furman (Writer), Andy Wildman (Illustrator), Glib / Gary Gilbert (Letterer), Jim Salicrup (Writer), Flint Dille (Writer), Mark Bagley (Illustrator), Romeo Tanghal (Inker), Janice Chiang (Letterer), Julianna Ferriter (Colorist), Lew Stringer (Writer)
May 1989
Raw edition
Silver text
Signed by Everette Hartsoe
Limited to 250 copies
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump