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Steve Englehart (Writer), Norm Breyfogle (Cover Artist), Norm Breyfogle (Illustrator), Norm Breyfogle (Inker), Tom Smith (Colorist), Dave Sharpe (Letterer), Tom Brevoort (Editor), Bob Harras (Editor)
November 2000
Hellcat , Supporting Characters: , Scarlet Witch, Mockingbird, Hell-Lords:, Mephisto, Satan, Pluto, Hela, Other Characters:, Beast, Captain America, Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Songbird , Moondragon , Valkyrie, Sub-Mariner
Although Iron Man is shown on the cover battling Super-Adaptoid with the Avengers he actually fights the Super-Adaptoid solo to start the issue. Later the rest of the team with Mar-Vell fight the Super-Adaptoid at Avengers mansion.
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