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Brian Michael Bendis (Writer), Mark Bagley (Illustrator), Danny Miki (Inker), Crimelab Studios (Inker), Allen Martinez (Inker), Victor Olazaba (Inker), Justin Ponsor (Colorist), Stephane Peru (Colorist), Jeremy Manesse (translator), Dan Slott (Writer), Christos N. Gage (Writer), Salvador Larroca (Illustrator), Clayton Henry (Illustrator), Paul Neary (Illustrator), Steve Uy (Illustrator), Daniele Rudoni (Colorist), Steve Uy (Colorist), Gianluca Pini (Letterer), Marvel (Editor)
October 2008
First printing.
Cover price: "$1.95 $2.50 CAN."
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump