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Guillermo del Toro (Writer), Chuck Hogan (Writer), David Lapham (Writer), Mike Huddleston (Illustrator), Dan, Jackson (Colorist), Clem Robins (Letterer), E. M. Gist (Cover Artist), Sierra Hahn (Editor), Jim Gibbons (Editor), Rick DeLucco (Editor)
Cover pencils by Bob White. Money to Burn!, script by Frank Doyle, pencils by Bob White; Archie and the gang stop a group of counterfeiters. High Marks featuring Li'l Jinx, script and art by Joe Edwards. Snow Job, script and art by Bob Bolling; Archie and Veronica sell refreshments to ice fishers. Archie Club News. Strategy, pencils by Stan Goldberg; Archie tries to build some muscles so he can stand up to Moose. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.
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