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Roger Stern (Writer), Ralph Macchio (Writer), John Buscema (Illustrator), Tom Palmer, Sr. (Inker), Bill Oakley (Letterer), Christie Scheele (Colorist), Mark Gruenwald (Editor), Jim Shooter (Editor), John Buscema (Cover Artist), Tom Palmer, Sr. (Cover Artist)
December 1987
She-Hulk, Doctor Druid, Captain Marvel, Black Knight - , Prince Namor , Marrina
This story is set several years in the future. The main Batman storyline never caught up with this story before the Earth-One universe was destroyed in the Crisis on Infinite Earths, so it is unknown if this the definite future of Batman, or just a possible future.
Several published lists of DC's Imaginary Stories include this story, but it isn't an imaginary story. It's a story set in the future.
Neither Dick Grayson's wife (the mother of his twin sons Bruce and James) nor the woman Bruce Wayne loves are identified by name.
Release imported from Comicogs free Database dump