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Marvel Team-Up


N° of issues:




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Releases list:

Comic Title Publisher Year Language
Beware the Basilisk My Son! #16 Marvel 1973 English
A Matter of Love... and Death! #60 Marvel 1977 English
Death on the Air #90 Marvel 1980 English
Story of the Year! #86 Marvel 1979 English
Webs #136 Marvel 1983 English
My Sword I Lay Down! #144 Marvel 1984 English
Fear! #92 Marvel Comics Group 1980 English
And Then--The X-Men! #4 Marvel 1972 English
The World According to...Faustus! #133 Marvel 1983 English
"But Tonight My Imprisonment Ends! Tonight is The Boy's Night Out!" #134 Marvel 1983 English
Down Deep in Darkness! #135 Marvel 1983 English
Twinkle, Twinkle #137 Marvel 1984 English
"Starting Over!" #138 Marvel 1984 English
Where Were You When The Lights Went Out? #140 Marvel 1984 English
Blind Justice! #141 Marvel 1984 English
Moondog is Another Name for Murder #24 Marvel 1974 English
Foiled! #142 Marvel 1984 English
Hometown Boy #145 Marvel 1984 English
Marvel Team-Up #53 Marvel Comics 0 English
Hero Worship! #146 Marvel 1984 English
Marvel Team-Up #54 Marvel Comics 0 English
'Tis Better to Give! #150 Marvel 1985 English
Marvel Team-Up #55 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #59 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #60 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #61 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #62 Marvel Comics 0 English
A Passion of the Mind! #5 Marvel 1972 English
Marvel Team-Up #63 Marvel Comics 0 English
...As Those Who WIll Not See! #6 Marvel 1973 English
Marvel Team-Up #64 Marvel Comics 0 English
Wolf at Bay #12 Marvel 1973 English
Marvel Team-Up #65 Marvel Comics 0 English
The Tomorrow War! #9 Marvel 1973 English
The Granite Sky! #13 Marvel 1973 English
Marvel Team-Up #66 Marvel Comics 0 English
Chaos at the Earth's Core! #17 Marvel 1974 English
Marvel Team-Up #67 Marvel Comics 0 English
Time Bomb! #10 Marvel 1973 English
The Messiah Machine! #22 Marvel 1974 English
Marvel Team-Up #68 Marvel Comics 0 English
The Doomsday Gambit! #11 Marvel 1973 English
Marvel Team-Up #69 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #70 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #75 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up #79 Marvel Comics 0 English
Marvel Team-Up: Annual 4 Marvel Comics 0 English
Appearing in...As Those Who Will Not See #6 Marvel 1973 Unspecified
All The Fires in Hell...! #32 Marvel 1975 English
Anybody Here Know a Guy Named Meteor Man? #33 Marvel 1975 English
Beware the Death Crusade! #34 Marvel 1975 English
And Spidey Makes Four! #2 Marvel 1972 English
"Blood Church! Chapter One Dark Immortal!" #35 Marvel 1975 English
Once Upon A Time in a Castle... #36 Marvel 1975 English
Snow Death! #37 Marvel 1975 English
A Hitch in Time! #7 Marvel 1973 English
Night of the Griffin #38 Marvel 1975 English
"The Man-Killer Moves At Midnight!" #8 Marvel 1973 English
"A Debt Repaid..." #147 Marvel Comics 1984 English
"Chapter One: Any Number Can Slay!" #39 Marvel 1975 English
A Past Gone Mad! #43 Marvel 1976 English
Future Shock! #45 Marvel 1976 English
Mayhem is...The Men-Fish! #14 Marvel 1973 English
"Madness Is All in the Mind!" #49 Marvel 1976 English
The Coming of...Stegron The Dinosaur Man! #19 Marvel 1974 English
Danger: Demon on the Rampage! #52 Marvel 1976 English
The Spider and the Sorcerer! #21 Marvel 1974 English
Nightmare in New Mexico! #53 Marvel 1977 English
Three Into Two Won't Go! #25 Marvel 1974 English
"Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime!" #139 Marvel Comics 1984 English
Spider in the Middle! #54 Marvel 1977 English
A Friend in Need! #27 Marvel 1974 English
Spider, Spider on the Moon! #55 Marvel 1977 English
The City Stealers! #28 Marvel 1974 English
Double Danger at the Daily Bugle! #56 Marvel 1977 English
"Beware the Coming of... Infinitus! or How Can You Stop the Reincarnated Man?" #29 Marvel 1975 English
Panic on Pier One! #58 Marvel 1977 English
For A Few Fists More! #31 Marvel 1975 English
Not All Thy Powers Can Save Thee! #61 Marvel 1977 English
All This and the QE2 #62 Marvel 1977 English
Night of the Dragon #63 Marvel 1977 English
If Death Be My Destiny... #64 Marvel 1977 English
Introducing, Captain Britain #65 Marvel 1978 English
Tigra Tigra, Burning Bright! #67 Marvel 1978 English
Night of the Living God! #69 Marvel 1978 English
Blood Church! #35 Marvel Comics Group 1975 English
Deathgarden #71 Marvel 1978 English
Crack of the Whip! #72 Marvel 1978 English
Claws! #78 Marvel 1979 English
"If an Eye Offend Thee!" #15 Marvel Comics 1973 English
A Sorcerer Possessed! #80 Marvel 1979 English
Dinosaurs on Broadway! #20 Marvel 1974 English
Last Rites #81 Marvel 1979 English
Where Bursts the Bomb! #18 Marvel 1974 English
Slaughter on 10th Avenue! #83 Marvel 1979 English
The Night of the Frozen Inferno #23 Marvel 1974 English
Catch A Falling Hero #84 Marvel 1979 English
The Fire This Time...! #26 Marvel 1974 English
Panic in the Park! #96 Marvel 1980 English
Sudden, Swift and Very, Very Deadly...But Who Is He? #98 Marvel 1980 English
Marvel Team-Up: League Of Losers Marvel Publishing, Inc. 0 English
Between Sword and Hammer! #116 Marvel 1982 English
Time, Run Like a Freight Train... #119 Marvel 1982 English
Murder World! #66 Marvel 1978 English
Murder's Better The Second Time Around! #40 Marvel 1975 English
A Witch in Time! #41 Marvel 1976 English
Death in the Year Before Yesterday! #44 Marvel 1976 English
"Future Shock: Part II ...Am I Now or Have I Ever Been?" #46 Marvel 1976 English
I Have To Fight The Basilisk! #47 Marvel 1976 English
The Mystery of the Wraith! #50 Marvel 1976 English
"A Savage Sting Has - The Scorpion!" #106 Marvel 1981 English
Small Miracles #127 Marvel 1983 English
The Trial of the Wraith #51 Marvel 1976 English
...And Much To Ponder Before The Dawn... #129 Marvel 1983 English
"Till Death Do Us Part!" #130 Marvel 1983 English
"The Best Things In Life Are Free...But Everything Else Costs Money!" #131 Marvel 1983 English
The Common Denominator! #132 Marvel 1983 English
Visions of Hate! #42 Marvel 1976 English
A Fine Night for Dying! #48 Marvel 1976 English
The Measure of a Man! #68 Marvel 1978 English
"Some Say Spidey Will Die by Fire... Some Say by Ice!" #59 Marvel 1977 English
Shifts and Planes #143 Marvel 1984 English
Whom Gods Destroy! #70 Marvel 1978 English
A Child Shall Lead Them! #148 Marvel 1984 English
A Fluttering of Wings Most Foul! #73 Marvel 1978 English
...And No Birds Sing! #95 Marvel 1980 English
The Incandescent Man #149 Marvel 1985 English
The Smoke of that Great Burning! #75 Marvel 1978 English
Scents and Senses! #117 Marvel 1982 English
When Slays the Silver Samurai! #57 Marvel 1977 English
Shoot Out Over Center Ring! #89 Marvel 1980 English
Live From New York, It's Saturday Night! #74 Marvel 1978 English
If Not For Love... #76 Marvel 1978 English
If I'm To Live...My Love Must Die! #77 Marvel 1979 English
Sword of the She-Devil #79 Marvel 1979 English
Rags to Riches! #93 Marvel 1980 English
And Introducing--Karma! She Possesses People! #100 Marvel 1980 English
The Razor's Edge! #87 Marvel 1979 English
A Child is Waiting #88 Marvel 1979 English
Carnival of Souls! #91 Marvel 1980 English
Darkness, Darkness... #94 Marvel 1980 English
Doctor of Madness! #97 Marvel 1980 English
"And Machine Man Makes 3" #99 Marvel Comics 1980 English
Master Of The Ring, Part 2 #8 Marvel Comics 2005 English
Greece Is The Word #2 Marvel Comics 1997 English
Samson and Delilah! #102 Marvel 1981 English
The Assassin Acadamy #103 Marvel 1981 English
Moduk Must Triumph! #104 Marvel 1981 English
"This Rumor of Revolution!" #107 Marvel 1981 English
Something Wicked This Way Kills! #108 Marvel 1981 English
Critical Mass! #109 Marvel 1981 English
Magma Force! #110 Marvel 1981 English
The Resurrection of Edward Lansky #113 Marvel 1982 English
Marvel Team-Up #100 Marvel Comics 0 English
The Heat in Harlem! #114 Marvel 1982 English
"To Judge A Nighthawk!" #101 Marvel 1981 English
Dichotomies! #115 Marvel 1982 English
A Small Circle of Hate! #105 Marvel 1981 English
Of Spiders and Serpents! #111 Marvel 1981 English
A King Comes Riding #112 Marvel 1981 English
Meeting of the Minds #118 Marvel 1982 English
Old Soldiers #120 Marvel 1982 English
"Yesterday and Today!" #125 Marvel 1983 English
A Firm Offer! #126 Marvel 1983 English
Look Before You Leap! #121 Marvel 1982 English
No Way To Treat A Lady #82 Marvel 1979 English
All That Glitters Is Not Gold! #30 Marvel 1975 English
The Woman Who Never Was! #85 Marvel 1979 English
A Simple Twist of...Fate #122 Marvel 1982 English
Rivers of Blood #123 Marvel 1982 English
The Ties That Bind! #124 Marvel 1982 English
Sweet Temptation! #128 Marvel 1983 English
Serie added by: BecomixOfficial. Last edit by: BecomixOfficial.

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